harmonizing female functionsBOUNTY STAR is a combined herbal formula for harmonization of female body's reproductive and hormonal functions. The effects manifest themselves by reduction of unpleasant physical and psychological feelings during the premenstrual period and during menopause. BOUNTY STAR has preventive effects against hormone-induced tumoral diseases, especially breast cancer. The ingredients of BOUNTY STAR show anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and slightly diuretic effects. Helps normalize the menstrual cycle…
supplying energy and endurance to workCORDYCEPS STAR is an original formula coming from the Ming imperial dynasty. It contains highly efficient extracts from fungi with antitumor effects: Cordyceps sinensis, Ganoderma lucidum, Pseudostellaria heterophylla, Gymnostemma pentaphyllum. It helps in the treatment and prevention of cancer diseases and the prevention of autoimmune and allergic diseases. The unique mechanism of the antitumor action of the highly effective substances contained in CORDYCEPS STAR consists in the biochemical con…
anti-parasitic and detoxicating effectsANTI-PARASITE STAR is a universal, highly effective herbal supplement helping to fight against both known and unknown parasites. The natural ingredients in ANTI-PARASITE STAR have anti-parasitic, anti-mycotic, antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, anticancerous, detoxicating and antioxidative effects. They relax spasms of the digestive tract smooth muscles, improve appetite and secretion of digestive enzymes, facilitate the normalization of intestinal microflora and destroy yeast and putrefactiv…
tissue regeneration and anti-aging supportVITAMIN C is contained in different kinds of vegetables and citrus fruits but the best natural source of vitamin C are rose-hips. Real high-quality pure Vitamin C is macerated mostly from rose-hips, where it occurs together with flavonids that have the power to intensify the effects of ascorbic acid. Taking this vitamin strengthens the immune system and the resistance of the body against contagious illnesses. Vitamin C energizes a whole range of enzymes and plays an important function in the pro…
protects DNA against oxidationCarnosine belongs to one of the most effective „treatments of aging“. Experiments demonstrate that carnosine disperses the maximum capacity of cell division, it protects against DNA oxidation, it functions as a free radical “catcher”, membrane stabilizer, intercellular suppressor. Carnosine has been used in the treatment of arthritis, stomach ulcers, myopathy, wounds; it has been used as radiation protection, against immunity modulation and for the enhancement of endurance. CARNOSINE works pos…
The best products in this period
anti-parasitic and detoxicating effectsANTI-PARASITE STAR is a universal, highly effective herbal supplement helping to fight against both known and unknown parasites. The natural ingredients in ANTI-PARASITE STAR have anti-parasitic, anti-mycotic, antiseptic, antibacterial, antiviral, an… More…
promotes active body movementsJOINT ACTIVITY STAR is highly efficient formulation of substances directly nourishing the whole joint system, cartilages, bones, ligaments and tendons. It is enriched with naturally originated MSM – methylsulfonylmethane. JOINT ACTIVITY STAR contains… More…
supplying energy and endurance to workCORDYCEPS STAR is an original formula coming from the Ming imperial dynasty. It contains highly efficient extracts from fungi with antitumor effects: Cordyceps sinensis, Ganoderma lucidum, Pseudostellaria heterophylla, Gymnostemma pentaphyllum. It he… More…
activating immune system alertnessVILCACORA STAR is an ideal formula for supporting the immune system during the season of colds and influenza. It has antiviral and antibacterial effects. VILCACORA STAR activates the immune system, has preventive effects on infectious diseases, allev… More…